

2014-02-21 武太白 武太白英语教学




Thought for the Day 20140214


Speaker: Bishop RichardHarries


It is amazing to think that it isnearly 25 years now since the Hillsborough tragedy left 96 dead and766 injured in the worst stadium disaster in British history. As weknow the families were never happy with 对……没有满意过 the officialstory, but it was only after 23 years with the report of anindependent panel 委员会 that the real truth of what caused the crush坍塌起因 began to emerge, with evidence that the original account wasskewed 有偏差.


On Wednesday another stage wasreached when the Home Secretary reported to parliament on wherethese enquiries have now got. In addition to stating that freshinquests 验尸 on the deaths would begin next month she said around400 witnesses have made requests to the Independent PoliceComplaints Commission to see their original statements.. Inaddition, the IPCC has recovered around 2,500 police pocketnotebooks. These pocket books had not been made available toprevious investigations. It has also conducted further analysis ofthe 242 police accounts now believed to have been amended修改过. 

What happened at Hillsborough wasa terrible tragedy and what resulted afterwards, a shaming story.But also remarkable is the determination of the families over somany years to get the truth revealed, and the willingness ofsuccessive governments 接连几届政府 to respond by setting up the biggestever enquiry into the police. It is a time consuming 耗费时间的,expensive business, but it’s a strength of our society, and thepolice at their best, that we believe the truth demandsit. 

It is a mysterious, marvellousthing -- this desire for the truth, not just for the sake ofjustice, but in science, and every area of human knowledge andendeavour. “The truth will set you free”, said Jesus, and howeverunpalatable 可厌的 the truth might be, whether about an institution, asociety or ourselves, its recognition 承认 can have a liberatingeffect. 

The French philosopher and mysticSimone Weil once wrote 

Christ likes us to prefer truth to him because, before being Christ, he is truth. 

But then she added, 

If one turns aside from him to go toward the truth, one will not go far before falling into hisarms. 

That was her experience, but it is clearly not everyone’s. Really,for some it leads some to agnosticism 不可知论 or atheism 无神论 - butwherever it leads, truth in all its forms continues to have thisstrange, compelling effect upon us both as individuals and as asociety. Indeed public life depends on the assumption that thetruth is being told, which is why lying to parliament, orfalsifying evidence, have always rightly been regarded as suchserious offences.










